We support our customers with expert opinions based on experimental, scientific, carefully retrieved data and on precisely documented experiments. Results and reports from our investigations can be potentially used for litigations, and therefore, scientific integrity is our absolute priority.

When investigating the solid-state chemistry of products and modifications thereof, we offer consultative and scientific support for that encompasses the assessment and establishment of intellectual property rights. We are particularly experienced within solid-state chemistry, but do not restrict our work to this area. We are always open for discussions dealing with semisolid formulations, emulsions and suspensions in creams, lotions and ointments.



Prof. Boese is a seasoned expert witness having served in litigations up to the Federal High Court of Justice in Germany. He enjoys explaining complicated details in clear and unequivocal language to help judges understand the scientific background of the matter in question. Prof. Boese is among the 280 most cited chemists worldwide (‘ISI highly cited’), of which only 30 come from Germany.

He has more than 700 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, review articles and books. Through his lectures, scientific research and instrument developments, Dr. Boese has achieved international renown in the field of structural analysis, as well as solid-state chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds. His research examines the relationship of structure and physical properties using cross-linked analytical methods.

“The organization of chemical compounds in the solid-state is crucial for several of their properties. In case we want to improve or adjust these properties in a targeted way, deeper knowledge and understanding of very complex correlations is mandatory. There is a great need for research in this area, which is why applied solid-state research can also be viewed as adjacent and ancillary to fundamental research. Addressing the diversity of specific problems, especially when dealing with active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), requires experience, solid knowledge, flexible thinking, as well as professional contacts to experts all over the world.

We dispose of state-of-the-art analytical equipment, including X-ray diffraction which is one of the most powerful tools of solid-state analytics. Our equipment is operated by a highly motivated team of experienced scientists and technicians working in a structured laboratory environment. Thus, we are able to focus on problems regarding the solid-state in a professional and discrete manner, strictly according to our company slogan ‘solid solutions for the solid-state’.

Chemical education is increasingly specialized in order to provide excellent Research & Development. This is also true for analytical methods in solid-state chemistry, which can lead to a superficial and incomplete understanding of solid-state analytics. And yet, comprehensive knowledge of each analytical method is needed to assess strengths, weaknesses and reasonable combinations with other methods. Cross-linked analyses are very often the only option for solving complex and difficult problems.

My intention is to remain focused on a reasonable and rational use of analytical methods in order to meet the requirements to solve special problems of the solid-state chemistry. Our customers need to know about strengths and weaknesses of existing analytical methods. This is a priority, especially for critical processes or in cases where independent expert opinions are required for patent litigations. It is important for our customers to have a close and direct exchange of information combined with flexible approaches and strong commitment.”